History of Java ,Java Green Project,Discovery of Java

History of Java

-When and Who discovered Java?

Java language was discovered by James Gosling with his team mates-Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank, and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems in 1991.

-What led to Java Development?

The main factor that led to java development was:

There was a need for a platform-independent (that is, architecture-neutral) language that could be used to create software to be embedded in various consumer electronic devices,
such as microwave ovens and remote controls.

That platform-independent language that could be used to produce code that would run on a
variety of CPU's under differing environments.

This effort ultimately led to the creation of Java.

-How Java Developed?

Sun Microsystems in 1991 established a research project code-named 'Green', which resulted in a C++-based language.

James Gosling the creator, named it Oak after an oak tree outside his window at Sun.

-Why the name changed to 'Java' instead of Oak?

It was later discovered that there already was a computer language by that name.
So, the Sun Microsystems employee visited a local coffee shop, the name 'Java' was suggested,
and it worked.

-What were the problems that the 'Green Project' faced initially?

Green project had some difficulties---the marketplace for intelligent consumer-
electronic devices was not developing in the early 1990s as quickly as Sun had anticipated.
The project was in danger of being canceled.

-If Green Project was in danger of being cancelled then how it saved & Java
gained Popularity?

This was due to the popularity of 'World Wide Web' that it gained in 1993.
Sun people saw the immediate potential of using Java to add dynamic content, such as
interactivity and animations, to web pages.

Sun formally announced Java at an industry conference in May 1995. Java garnered
the attention of the business community because of the phenomenal interest in the World
Wide Web.


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