C++ set manipulator functions

C++ set manipulator functions

  • Manipulator functions are special stream functions that change certain characteristics of the input output.
  • These are used to change the format flags and different values for astream.
  • By using these you can change the output values and take place the inputted formatted
  • All these functions are added in < iomanip.h > header file.
Some commonly used predefined set manipulators are :

1. endl
2. setw
3. setbase
4. setfill
5. hex, dec, oct
6. ends
7. flush

endl :

-This manipulator is used in output statements like cout mainly.
-This manipulator moves the cursor to the next line.
-It works like '\n'(new line).

Syntax :

<< endl;

Eg :

cout<< "\n Enter the value " << endl;

setw() :

-It stands for set width.
-This is output manipulator.
- The purpose of this manipulator is to dispaly the minimum number of character locations
which a variable will take place.
-It works same as tab. The difference is that tab has fixed width while we can chnge the width
with setw().

Syntax :

setw(int width);

Eg :

cout << "Amount is " << setw(5) << amount;

Here it will display five spaces between the message "Amount is" and the value displayed
from variable amount.

hex,dec and oct :

-hex is used to convert any octal or decimal value to Hexadecimal number.
-dec is used to convert any octal or hexadecimal number to decimal number.
-oct is used to convert any hexadecimal or decimal number to oct number.

setbase() :

-Used to convert the base of one numeric value to another base value.
- It works similar to hex, oct and dec manipulators.

Syntax :

setbase(base value);

setfill() :

- This is used to fill blank spaces with a particular character.
-It works with setw() set manipulator.

Syntax :


Eg :

setfill("@") --- It will fill the blank spaces with @ symbol.

ends :

-It is used with '\' escape sequence.
- It will set end of the string by taking null character.

Eg :

int x=122;
cout << "\n"<< "n"<< "no is" << x << ends;

flush :

-When there is no need of string or numeric data in a variable, then we can use this function.
- It is used to clean the memory variable.

Syntax :



Anonymous said...

good useful.
Athar Ahmad

Ashish Bhandari(Author) said...


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